peace. love. balance.
Softening and Healing
Meditation | Breathing | Sounds | Healing
softening and healing
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Our body talks to us all the time through many signals and symptoms every moment.
It may be a scratch, a hit, an itch, a pain an uncomforted feeling. Every one of them is trying to tell us something, but, most of the times, we don’t pay attention, we don’t stop in order to hear the whisper.
There is only one way for our emotion to reach us, that of our physical body.
Whatever we are experiencing during the day has a direct chemical, biological and emotional reaction in our body.
Hormones are released from our brain in to our body causing ours muscles to construct, or maybe our heart to beat faster, or even our breath to stop.
Whenever we keep the stress inside us, the body responds, actually, the body gets weaker, our immunity system gets weaker, our heart or our digestive system respond with a sickness or discomfort.
Please try to remember the effect, the emotion, when you had to take an exam or you had this interview in your new job or even to meet someone you cared: most likely you had a pain or turmoil in your stomach. And remember what happened when you were surprised from what you heard or saw something unbelievable: you stopped or rather you hold your breath.
In this seminar we are going to show you what is the connection of every system ( the bone – muscles, digestive, breathing, vascular, immunity, urinary, nervous) with the respective emotion, which most of the time is hidden creating blocks in the body.
You are going to learn how to remove these blocks from your body. In addition you will experience how to relax and calm your body with very simple movements, you are going to meditate and feel your body, and we will treat you with the magic sound of the Tibetan bowls.
Come and join us, find out more about yourself, your body and you Inner Most.
Always remember it is peace that heals your body and yourself.
Join our two days seminar with Meditation, Lectures and Tibetan bowls
Saturday 09/02 18:00-21:00
& Sunday 10/02 17:00-20:00
The program
17:50 – 18:00 Arrival
18:00 – 19:00 Decoding the body presentation with Dana Meidan
19:00 – 19: 15 Softening and calmness movement with Dimitris Kokkinias
19: 15- 19:45 Guided meditation with Dimitris Kokkinias
19:45 – 20:00 Questions and feedback
20:00 – 20:15 Break, tea and light snack
20:15 – 21:00 Tibetan Bowls Relaxation treatment with Dana Meidan & Dimitris Kokkinias
On Sunday we will continue with the second part of the program. Please be aware that we will start at 17:00
Cost 30 euros
Registration at
Join our two days seminar with Meditation, Lectures and Tibetan bowls
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